Wednesday, June 1, 2011


sooo these past few weeks have been very crazy. i got my sisters graduation to worry about and getting ready for her party is jut exhausting. then i have allthese projects due and tests and quizes to take, which sucks! then we got this literary analysis over Me and Orson Welles for english. the book itself was very we written and added alot of emotion into it, which i liked a lot. but i got to get ready for my sisters graduation and i got family coming over from all over and thats going to be nice to see them! But in english 10 overall it was nice, mr. potter your an excellent teacher, and fun to work with. thank you for being an understanding teacher:) welp i gotta go bye bye

Monday, May 9, 2011

blog 5/8

well this past week has been crazy, ive been so busy with school and prom and this and that. but saturday was prom and it was very nice. ahha even though the rules were pretty stupid i still enjoyed it. but im pretty excited to read me and orson welles, it seems like a really good book:). Orson welles seems like a really mean guy, but a genius at the same time, i cant wait to read the book. but its almost the end of the year and im happy for that but im gonnna miss having mr. potter as my english teacher hes pretty chilll. well i gotta go bye bye

Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 5/1

YAY! its almost the end of the school year, barely over a month left:). but im also happy because we finished julius caesar, i mean i liked it but its still not my kind of thing. also the only reason i ever understood the book is because mr. potter stopped every few seconds and was explaining  it all to everybody. Reading something in old english is really hard, and i would like to never do that again! But its almost the end of my sophomore year, almost to a junoir:), but with next year with all these changes i dont know whats gonna happen with classes and rides and all. well i gotta goo bye bye

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Response 4/22

Response 4/29

My Julius Caesar cast:

Now this is an interesting blog because i had to think alot about the characters for it:
Caesar: for him i chose to have my cousin eric, and the reason for is because he doesnt treat the people he likes badly just like caesar.
Brutus: for this i choose one of my old friends named kevin, when we were friends he was acting all cool and then he did the same thing and turned against me.
Cassius: for him i chose dustin, because he seems like the type of person to plot against someone else to get revenge
Calpurnia: for her i chose courtney, because shes the type to be very caring and try to warn people of what she thinks bad will happen.
Casca: for this person i chose travis, the reason why is he kinda seems like a spy kinda and could tell people anything that is happening.
Antony: i feel like will could be antony, he seems like he could give a very noble, persuading speech to get people on his side.

blog 4/17

soooooo weve been reading julius caesar for what seems like forever now. but its a really good book/play actually. but the book were reading out of keeps trying to fit in with the new generation, which is a failed attempt i must say. but i really like how mr.potter stops every few mins to explain what certain lines mean, which helps ALOT. most of the lines i really dont understand but thanks to others i get it. but in all julius caesar is a very good play, and were almost to the end:), i gotta gooo bye bye