Saturday, October 30, 2010

Woot Woot

finally were done with the book to kill a mockingbird. but it was a  good book, but it kept confusing me at times. the movie made kind of no sense to me, it kept skipping parts that were important. but i was surprized about boo radley helping jem and scout out. but to think he was the one who killed bob ewell, and i kind of get the meaning of the books title. but im not for sure so i wont say(:. welps bye bye


  1. i totally agree with you because i didnt expect boo to kill him and i finally understand why the title is the way it is

  2. I agree with both of you guys. I was surprised to notice that in the movie there were scenes that wern't in the book. Like the time when they went to the trial, calpurnia walked in the court room with a note that said the kids were missing, that part in the movie was not there. I felt that it was important to have that! but anyways the movie was okay but the book was so muchhhhhhh beterrrrrrrr!
