Saturday, November 6, 2010


so this week has absolutely sucked, i mean last sunday was great, and then wednesday completely sucked. but anyways im just really tired of doing these blogs but hey they get my grade up so im fine with them. but anyways yet again were finally done with to kill a mockingbird, and the play is this coming week i think, and i tihnk we get to see the first rehersal. < dont know how to spell that word ha! but this book were about to finish called 12 angry men is very boring. i thought the kid was not guilty from the beginning he was convicted on very small evidence and all the evidence and testimonies were proven wrong. but anyways my laptop is dying yet again so i gotta go bye bye

1 comment:

  1. So you think he's not guilty, huh? I have no idea what the final verdict is going to be, but I bet he's going to end up being voted guilty. On Friday the number of guilty votes was already growing again.
