Saturday, December 11, 2010

woot woot

we have 5 more days till christmas break:) i cant wait but ill most likely end up being bored and wanting to see my friends. but anyways in english weve been talking about gays and civil rights. and then now were into the mystery unit which i think will be a good unit. i loved mystery books like a few years ago and i miss reading them anyways so im sure this unit will get me back interested in them. but anyways im still excited for this break i think ill be getting something nice for christmas even though i didnt really ask for anything. but anyways, what do you think you guys will be getting? bye bye

Sunday, December 5, 2010


So these articles and movies that weve been watching about the german concentration camps and the camps in america have really surprised me. i mean come on in the movie that we watch about the german concentration camp one guy found the huge pile of dead bodies, thats disgusting. but of course back then the jews had no rights according to the nazi power. these camps were just absolutely horrible in my opinion. they were wrong to even build these camps for bad things. but thats the way life was back then and we cant change it, all we can do is learn from it. well i got to go bye

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Civil RIghts

         In the couple chapters we read of "Nightjohn" we learned how much slaves are very mistreated. first of all the ate out of a trough, and thats just wrong. they shouldve have been treated like humans not animals. These are rights that were taken away from slaves. but we learn of the slaves hardships from a slave named Sarny. she shows the readers the hardships and unfair treatments from the slave plantation owner, Old Waller. She describes the treatment Old Waller gave to his new slave Nightjohn. Now this man has escaped to the north and felt what it feels like to be free. So he comes back and wants to teach slaves letters so they can write about the unjust treatment by the slave plantation owners.
        The other story we read was "Mascot" which was about the famous civil rights activist Malcom X. Now is this story was set in his teenage years. After being beaten in boxing by a white man, he was completely disgraced. Then after getting in trouble many times at one of his schools, he gets sent to a "detention school". now their at that house everybodys white but him, but the house owners talk about him all the time. they even said racist comments right in front of him and talked as if he wasnt there. He gets treated kind of equal at his new school, he becomes class president. Then when he visits with his aunt Ella he sees the black peoples life and loves it. Then he realizes the white people were just trying to be considerate, but he felt more at home with African Americans.
        The movie The Great Debaters and Nightjohn are similar in many ways. First of all the both were set in the south were segregation and racism was a very common thing. Both things show how much unfair treatment was layed upon African Americans. Both showed how much the whites hated black people, by showing a lynch mob in the movie, and slave owners in Nightjohn. Now the similarities in Mascot and The Great Debaters is they both show some equal rights at times. one example of this is the fact that white people were treating Malcom X very nice. In The Great Debaters harvard was a very white based school and they allowed a black college to vs them. The White people at harvard treated them as equals, gave them all the same rights as the whites had.