Sunday, September 19, 2010

English 10= very boring

so i still think this blog is pointless. its a big waste of my time. to have to sit here and type for 15-30 mins is still ridiculous. but anyways english 10 is actually very boring so far. but Mr.potter is pretty cool, seems like a nice person. but this research paper has got me a little bit annoyed. i mean why do we have to write a paper about a case that happened in the past. or why do we have to write about a case period? it takes way to much time to do. when we could be spending our time on other things. and i got grounded this weekend and was worried about this stupid blog for english 10. but im getting it done thankfully i want a good grade. i hope this class gets more fun by the end of the year. but us reading to kill a mockingbird is going to SUCK! I've heard so many mixed opinions about this book. and most of the opinions are that the book itself just is so boring. but anyways ive got to get all those note cards done for this stupid research paper. and my case was the case of julius and ethel rosenberg. it seems ok but i was very surprised by some of the things people did during the case. anyways i got to get off my laptop now. bye bye

1 comment:

  1. It can't be that bad can it? First you got your post done for this past week, and second the research paper isn't rough if you work on it in class and leave yourself as little to do as possible at home. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book...and after we read it you'll understand a little better why we did trial research papers.
