Wednesday, June 1, 2011


sooo these past few weeks have been very crazy. i got my sisters graduation to worry about and getting ready for her party is jut exhausting. then i have allthese projects due and tests and quizes to take, which sucks! then we got this literary analysis over Me and Orson Welles for english. the book itself was very we written and added alot of emotion into it, which i liked a lot. but i got to get ready for my sisters graduation and i got family coming over from all over and thats going to be nice to see them! But in english 10 overall it was nice, mr. potter your an excellent teacher, and fun to work with. thank you for being an understanding teacher:) welp i gotta go bye bye

Monday, May 9, 2011

blog 5/8

well this past week has been crazy, ive been so busy with school and prom and this and that. but saturday was prom and it was very nice. ahha even though the rules were pretty stupid i still enjoyed it. but im pretty excited to read me and orson welles, it seems like a really good book:). Orson welles seems like a really mean guy, but a genius at the same time, i cant wait to read the book. but its almost the end of the year and im happy for that but im gonnna miss having mr. potter as my english teacher hes pretty chilll. well i gotta go bye bye

Monday, May 2, 2011

blog 5/1

YAY! its almost the end of the school year, barely over a month left:). but im also happy because we finished julius caesar, i mean i liked it but its still not my kind of thing. also the only reason i ever understood the book is because mr. potter stopped every few seconds and was explaining  it all to everybody. Reading something in old english is really hard, and i would like to never do that again! But its almost the end of my sophomore year, almost to a junoir:), but with next year with all these changes i dont know whats gonna happen with classes and rides and all. well i gotta goo bye bye

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Response 4/22

Response 4/29

My Julius Caesar cast:

Now this is an interesting blog because i had to think alot about the characters for it:
Caesar: for him i chose to have my cousin eric, and the reason for is because he doesnt treat the people he likes badly just like caesar.
Brutus: for this i choose one of my old friends named kevin, when we were friends he was acting all cool and then he did the same thing and turned against me.
Cassius: for him i chose dustin, because he seems like the type of person to plot against someone else to get revenge
Calpurnia: for her i chose courtney, because shes the type to be very caring and try to warn people of what she thinks bad will happen.
Casca: for this person i chose travis, the reason why is he kinda seems like a spy kinda and could tell people anything that is happening.
Antony: i feel like will could be antony, he seems like he could give a very noble, persuading speech to get people on his side.

blog 4/17

soooooo weve been reading julius caesar for what seems like forever now. but its a really good book/play actually. but the book were reading out of keeps trying to fit in with the new generation, which is a failed attempt i must say. but i really like how mr.potter stops every few mins to explain what certain lines mean, which helps ALOT. most of the lines i really dont understand but thanks to others i get it. but in all julius caesar is a very good play, and were almost to the end:), i gotta gooo bye bye

Thursday, April 14, 2011

blog 4/10

man this week has been flying by so fast. and that lesson on monday about shakespeare really blew my mind, i couldnt believe how much he has influenced on the world in todays society. its just amazing and astounding at the same time, im just amazed. we watched the movie called julius caeser which is based off a play shakespeare wrote. It was a very interesting movie i can tell you that though, i payed attention the whole time. but the ending of that movie was a little bit ridiculous though, so many guys stabbing caeser. but were gonna read the play soon, so i better get to doing the definitions, bye bye

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Bravest of the Brave

Dear Reader,
   The theme I chose was bravery, and the reason for this is my book showed many accounts of bravery throughout. In the book I read, Brisingr, the main character, Eragon, show huge amounts of bravery by taking on the responsibility of many. Now bravery is a hard thing to come by in a person and when it is found you should always keep hold of it. You will see accounts of bravery throughout my post. I will be providing you with examples of the bravery shown throughout Brisingr, throughout this post. Another reason why I chose this theme, bravery, is because it is a very important trait to have at times of great importance. We all need bravery when facing opponents or in some cases ones fears. Bravery defines one whole being, without bravery we wouldn’t have people in this world that will give up their lives for the sake of others living.

“Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.”
Franklin P. Jones                                                                                                                               


Dear Nasuada,
        Things are not going as planned with Roran and my trip to Hellgrind. First we had to worry about being spotted by the black priest’s magicians, and then we had to save our strength for the raid. We waited a few days to come up with a plan on the ways we shall infiltrate Hellgrind and save Katrina. After many days of sitting and waiting we finally went into Hellgrind and attacked the Ra’zac(Katrina’s prison keepers). Knowing fully of the risk he was taking Roran ran in there fighting the Ra’zac for his love of Katrina. In my mind I was extremely surprised by his act of bravery; I was in great awe. In the end of it we saved Katrina and Roran is on his way back with her to the Varden. As for me I decided to stay here and infiltrate Hellgrind some more for the sake of the Varden. If there is any valuable information in this god for saken place I will find it.

 “Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.”
-          El Cordobes


“As I ran towards the great city that lay before us, Feinster, I think to myself this is going to be one of the most challenging battles of my life. Scared, worried, excited, adrenaline, all these emotions running throughout my body. But I fight for my love, Katrina, for my hometown, Carvahall, and for all of all of the free Alagaesia. Readying myself for the horn to sound, so I can charge this city and bring a victory to the Varden, I give whole self to this cause for the dream to once again live in my hometown! *horn* I hear over 1000 war cries coming from this massive army, adrenaline running throughout my veins, I am ready to take on the whole world…”

“Bravery never goes out of fashion”
-          William Makepeace Thackeray

A Day in the life of Eragon Shadeslayer…

  1. First I wake up and smell the fresh air, stretch, talk to Saphira real quick
  2. After talking to her I go and bath and get dressed in one of my elf tunics
  3. Then I go for a walk and whenever I get the chance I help out local citizens by sacrificing my strength to heal their loved ones
  4. Nasuada usually calls for me to come to her by noon
  5. As I walk to her tent I hear distant cries of Thorn being broken
  6. Nasuada informs me that I need to do a mission for her and sacrifice my life once again for the people I love the most
  7. I respectfully accept this mission, then walk out and get prepared

 “True bravery is shown by performing without witness what one might be capable of doing before all the world”
-          François de la Rochefoucauld

                        Eragon Shadeslayer
                       Reasons: disobeying the law of the Empire, disrespecting the king, killing his subjects and most trusted men, showing bravery with joining the Varden instead of the Dark King.
     25 tons of gold and jewels, lifetime protection from the Varden and its evilness.


“There will be more wars until men grow brave enough to stop them”
                -      War Quotes

       Throughout this whole project I was thinking of which theme I should choose. Then I came upon bravery, which is a very rare quality. After doing this project and reading this book it gave me more of a sense of what the word bravery means, not just the definition. Bravery is the ability to stand up for what is right, and face your fears against all odds. I have learned that even though bravery is very hard to come by everyone has it; it comes out when they need it most. No one can tell if someone’s brave or not just by looking at them, they find out through their actions. Bravery defines the world and all its inhabitants. This project has taught me how to find bravery in even the most hardest places to fine it, and I appreciate it greatly.

Work cited
Thinkexist. 23. March. 2011.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog 3/6

there have been many achievements in my life. But i can't narrow down to one greatest achievement. Maybe it was helping my soccer teams out by saving game wining goals, or the tournaments i helped my teams win. Or it was when i first "bent" my soccer kicks, now that was great day. but i have achieved many great things, like my first A on a math test, im horrible in math. my soccer career had brought many great achievements to my life, i did my fist bicycle kick for a goal in 5th grade, it was awesome but hurt:/. i dont know if this is great or anything but one time when i was goalie i broke a kids leg because of how i took him out. it was nice until i got a red card for being to rough:/ haha. sometimes i miss playing soccer but then i dont at same time, idk maybe i should start training again and play again? i have no clue but i have to go bye bye hope your weekend was good

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rainy Days come with bad news

     It all started on a rainy day, clouds were thundering. Me and some of the people i know were all chilling in a classroom for study hall. The ceilings were dripping water, buckets everywhere catching the water. Shutters banging against the windows from the howling winds.
    BOOM! Huge loud crack from the clouds and a magnificant streak of lighting dashes across the sky. Jordan: " OMG this storm is freaking me out!" Courtney: " Ehh I don't mind it much; I kinda like it." Kelsey: "like come on guys shut up, I'm trying to talk on the phone." Nick: " shut up kelsey, and get off the phone!" Kelsey: "I'm tired of all of you!"
     The room goes dead quiet as the storm rages on. Jordan whispers to me: " Man kelsey is getting annoying!" Me: " I know, i just wish she was out of this class." Amy: " I just wish she was dead!" Jordan: " Woah there missy you don't need to say that!" Kelsey: " I'm so tired of this storm and class! Ugh this sucks!" Courtney to nick: " I'm so tired of her complaining all the time!" Nick: " I know, I know only 2 more hours till were out of here:)"
      Courtney and Amy move a little closer to kelsey. Kelsey on the phone: "UGH two nasty people just moved next to me!" Nick: "That girl really needs to be quiet, im completely tired of her mouth." BOOM another streak of lightning goes across the sky, this time hitting the power plant. Lights go off everybody's quiet.
      Random scream: " AHHH!" then all of a sudden you hear a body hit the floor. *THUD* Jordan: "OMG who do you think that was!?" Me: "I don't know, and I'm scared!" The lights magically appear back on, everyone looks around. Courtney: "Omg, look Kelseys dead!" The door bursts open, Mr. Carter steps in. Mr. Carter: "What happened here!?" Amy: "We don't know, the lights went out, and then we heard a scream, then lights came on."  Mr. Carter: "Wells than, I think this was murder. Amy and Courtney kept backing away from everybody.
      Mr. Carter: "So what were you two doing?" Amy and Courtney looking suspicious. Amy and Courtney: "Nothing." Mr. Carter: "Lies! I see blood behind one of you!" Everybody is looking on them now, their eyes pop out of their head. Amy: "I didn't do it, I swear!" Courtney: "Umm." She throws a bloody pencil at the window. Mr. Carter: "Your Arrested!"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Response 2/18

blog 2/20

man this week in english and in life has been tough. Alot of fighting going on between me and come people. it sucks and i hate it! but then in english weve been doing some fun things kinda, i missed friday though but now i gotta take the test wednesday:( this is gonna suck i hate not taking the tests with everybody else. but oh well i had a doctors appointment so it was more important. now this weather is freaking crazy, sunny, and now its snowy:( but i gotta go

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog 2/13

Man i have alot of things that i do to waste time or it can be considered a waste of time. Lets see usually i play COD or AC: Brotherhood for an hour or 2 every day. now that is a big waste of time, because i could be using that time to do homework or chores or something. but i personally dont really care. the video games entertain me when im not hanging out with my friends. and then tv i usually watch either while im doing my homework or after it. now this is not a very good thing because im usually distracted by the tv ha. but movies are a big waste of my time, or shows. like tom and jerry i will stop everything i am doing just to watch it, i love that show. but anways i gotta go bye bye

response 2/11

Sunday, February 6, 2011


my siblings are just plain crazy. i mean at times we have fought and all but i still care about them. over the years there have been some rough spots in our relationship but we have worked them out. i mean yeah at times i needed their help but i usually said i didnt. and that has been a wrong decision over the years, but now our relationship is better and we barely fight anymore. im super glad about that too. i remember this one fight didnt end to well, we both got grounded for a month:/ pretty bad. but we got through it and im glad we did:) but i gotta go bye bye

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ok Ok so we all know about the the pointless amount of cartoon shows on these days, i mean there pretty ridiculous. most of them feature mature things, show bad things and just are completely stupid. now personally my favorite cartoons are tom and jerry, scooby doo, and pokemon. now all three of these shows have been my all time favorite forever! and no cartoon could ever replace these ones:). with tom and jerry i stop everything im doing to watch it because it comes on at random times. then with scooby doo the new one is kinda  stupid i liked the old cartoon versions of scooby doo. then with pokemon i've loved pokemon ever since i can remember because it was so fun and had some catchy songs and noises. but in all those are my 3 most favorite cartoons ever! the new ones suck! well i gotta go bye bye

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


finall blog post till the beginning of 2nd semster, this year in english has been okie dokie, i mean i had some trouble but it was easier for me. and i love the fact that mr.potter is a cool teacher for english, he can joke around and still teach. but this school year has been going by kind of slow and im ready for summer. and i really want it to stop snowing! im tired of shoveling driveways and walking in snow and having my shoes wet all the time but i gotta gooo